Made With Love

Made With Love
A blog dedicated to my love for crafty things like cute felted animals and purses and scarves!! It also talks about my Etsy shop and I also will soon have tutorials, rants and give-aways!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Worst Night Ever Among Other Stuff :P

Hey Everyone!! :)

I hope everyone's weekend was good :) Mine was terrible until today haha. I will tell you what happened, starting with Friday night.

Friday night was Drama Practice at the church. It started off well enough, but it started to worsen. And I know it was all me and that I have to get a breakthrough from it. I consider myself an excellent drama team member and I do give it my all. But it always seems that people that don't really give it their all get really big parts. Ugh I'm sorry. See how messed up that sounds? I just feel like I'm just a backround player when I know I can be much more. And even when I do feel like this, I still give it my all because I know I'm doing it for God and not for anyone else. Please, Lord, help me through this. Anyway, one good thing is that the last time we did a drama for the church, Pastor told my Mother-In-Law that she had her eyes on my the entire time. She said she saw so much passion and authority rising up in me. And that made me very happy :) So I have to remember those words of encouragement everytime we do a drama.

Well, anyway, after practice that Friday night, my hubby and I went home and I fried up some chinese food. It was really good, and after watching tv and playing guitar, we went to bed. Anyway, about one oclock that night, I woke up feeling really sick. I mentioned to my husband that I felt like I was going to throw up. So I went into the bathroom and had extremely bad diarrhea (sorry for being so blunt lol) and I vomited seven times (I counted lol). All that chinese I had eaten hadn't even digested. Ugh! Oh I felt horrible. I went back to bed and about every other hour I would wake up and have to use the bathroom again. Well, about 5:30 that morning, I threw up 5 more times. I never felt so horrible in my life. It felt like my stomach was flushing everything out of my system. And through it all, my dear husband helped me. He was so sweet :) Doting on me and cleaning up behind me. He didn't get any sleep like I did.

The weird part about it was that I didn't have any fever. And then I realized it was food poisoning. My hubby didn't have it, so I knew it was from the BBQ plate I bought Wednesday at work. (The BBQ smelt ruint and I only ate a couple bites of it. But those little bites sure did destroy me in the end!)

Anyway, Saturday morning, I laid around on the couch all day long, dozing off and watching tv. My sweet hubby did things for me around the house, including cleaning and getting things for me at the local Wal-Mart. I felt like death. But I was still going to the bathrooom on the hour every hour. Ugh! But I was dehydrated, so I sucked on ice chips and nibbled on Saltines crackers. Haha how pitiful was I!

Today, this Sunday, I woke up feeling a lot better! I still go to the bathroom, but not as much. My hubby went to church and I am laying on the couch watching cartoons and typing this out now lol. I had a little bit of chicken noodle soup, and since I feel so much better, when my hubby comes back home, we will make a trip out of town for some Christmas shopping! :D Yay!

So, I'm glad my ordeal is over. It was the Worst Night Ever!! lol. Anyone catch up on their Christmas shopping? I keep seeing awesome Christmas commercials and it makes me so excited!! :) I wanna decorate!! And I'm excited about Black Friday. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to update the blog and tell ya'll about my ordeal. I haven't been able to knit or make anything this entire weekend ! :( sad face. Lol. But I will be back at it tomorrow! Now I'm off to Etsy shop and eventually I will have to get up and wash some clothes and get ready to go shopping. Love you guys and I hope ya'll's weekend was better than mine! Haha


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