Made With Love

Made With Love
A blog dedicated to my love for crafty things like cute felted animals and purses and scarves!! It also talks about my Etsy shop and I also will soon have tutorials, rants and give-aways!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Knitting and My New Phone :)

Hi There :)

I was sitting here at work knitting and decided to post on my blog haha.
Knitting is a lot of fun, but knitting on the same project for days can get a little boring. So, to mix it up a little, I have three knitting projects going on haha. All are scarves and when I get tired of seeing yarn all day long, I switch over to my next scarf and work on it for a while. If you have never knit before, I think you should really give it a try! It is very relaxing, and easy to do! I know that you are probably thinking it's hard, because before I started to knit, I thought that too! But I picked up a how to book at my local crafts store and tried it out anyway. And it is really quite simple! My tip to you would be to pick out a how to book that has plenty of pictures of the process! Just words and no picture doesn't really help you out with visualizing how it should look while doing it. If you have a local Super Wal-Mart, they have some great little how to books in their fabric department.

Well today is November 3rd! October flew by. Pretty soon Thanksgiving will be here, along with my favorite shopping holiday of all time! BLACK FRIDAY! Duh duh dunnn!! lol. That will be when me and my hubby get everyone gifts at the mall and at Wal-Mart. I love the deals I get on that day, but I hate how many people shop crazily. And forget parking in the parking lot. There are so many people that have parked in it, you literally have to park far away and walk a mile to the store haha. That's a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get my meaning.

And then there will be Christmas! Yay :D and I can get and give presents. Are ya'll working on ya'll's lists, or are ya'll the type that buy gifts ahead of time? I like the rush when I wait till the last minute haha. I'm excited though because I do have my hubby a gift on layaway at Wal-Mart. Thank you Jesus for layaway! It's a white IPad 2 with WiFi. He is so going to geek out when he gets it :) I think it's going to be awesome. I know he is secretly shopping for me to. It takes all I am to try not to open packages that come in the mail for him haha. I'm so bad. :P

But, anyway..I have a new phone! :D It's a white Iphone 4 and I'm extremely happy with it! I have been one of those types that always disliked IPhones because of how popular they are. (I'm such a rebel ahah :P ). But when I met my husband, he had one and he showed me just how awesome and convienient they are. So I got an IPhone 3GS and had it for a couple years, and I just upgraded to the white IPhone 4 :) Hubby has a black one just like mine haha I like being twinkies lol. It has the new software on it that the IPhone 4S that just came out has, so I pretty much have the IPhone 4S except without the talking software on it. I can live without that lol. But my IPhone is so pretty :D I wanna buy new cases for it!!!! I love accessorizing :)

So, now that we are getting the IPad 2 and I have an IPhone 4, I'm thinking about creating a new cateogory of items in my Etsy Shop. IPhone/IPod and IPad covers!! :D I'm excited. There will definitely be some cute owl fabrics for sure!! Along with some checkbook covers and totebags. Aye. I have so many things to do!!

Anyway, I wish ya'll a wonderful shopping season! :)


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